What is Wi-Fi 7? Understanding what it means for service providers
by Kajsa Arvidsson
According to the latest number from Wi-Fi Alliance, 19.5 billion Wi-Fi devices are in use. What’s in store for Wi-Fi in smart homes? How can service providers prepare for Wi-Fi 7 technology? Check out our Wi-Fi articles and event reflections capturing the latest trends.
Top 5 Reflections about Wi-Fi 7 from MWC and beyond – what’s happening now?
Wi-Fi 7 can solve many challenges service providers face, such as the demand for higher bandwidth at home from consumers, latency, and quality of service. In an article by Kajsa Arvidsson, she interviewed Patrick Ribardiere from Qualcomm France, who shares his top 5 reflections from Mobile World Congress and the market potential for Wi-Fi 7. Link to article.
What does Wi-Fi 7 mean for service providers?
Wi-Fi is a critical differentiator in technology and the consumer experience. Link to article.
4 Key Takeaways: Wi-Fi for the smart home
Wi-Fi for smart homes is quickly expanding, and there are many business opportunities as growth is expected to increase 6-10 times over the next ten years! Our CCO, Kajsa Arvidsson, summarizes her key takeaways after attending an industry event. Link to article.
From ANGA COM, our colleague Mårten Olsson summarized the discussion about Wi-Fi 7.
“Like other industry events, the technical performance and advantages of Wi-Fi 7 are top of mind for service providers. These range from backhaul, 6 GHz, multi-link operation, and other features that will make a difference in the user experience. The challenge is translating the technical benefits into a marketing language that will attract consumers to adopt Wi-Fi 7 routers and gateways. In addition, because service providers are still rolling out Wi-Fi 6 and 6E, early consumer adopters must understand why it’s worth paying for Wi-Fi 7.”
At the recent Wi-Fi World Congress in Brighton (May 2023), conversations transitioned from a tech perspective to how to educate consumers on what this innovation means for Wi-Fi at home. Enabling extended and augmented reality for gaming experiences, quicker uploads, faster streaming, alleviating the strain on home networks for video calls and remote work, and much more need to be top of mind for consumers. If consumers understand what they can get, this impacts their willingness to buy the routers and gateways needed to enjoy Wi-Fi 7.
Stay tuned as we follow discussions about Wi-Fi 7 and smart homes.